About us

Who are we?

BATSBALL is the new sport created and developed by Marcos C. Soares in January 2019.

The inspiration of this new sport came through a children’s game in Brazil called “taco or bats”.

With the help of a group of Brazilian friends, it took months of study, testing, improvement, game strategy and rules so that we could came up to this new sport called “BATSBALL”.

We created a new option of sport in the United States, with the purpose of reaching the interest of children, youth and adults.

Our plan is to grow a family-friendly recreational competitive ball game that parents and kids can enjoy together.

Unlike most sports which are segregated by age group that means the parents are on the sidelines just watching the kids play.

Marcos Soares believes that parent-child teams will create stronger family bonds, improve communication and allow parents to participate in their children’s leisure time activities.

An affordable sport aiming to reach all social classes, giving the opportunity for sports instructors and personal trainers to get qualified to teach the new sport and the upcoming launch of the National BATSBALL League in the United States.

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